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  • 12/19/2008 | Foundation for Amateur Radio Announces 2008 Scholarship Winners

    The Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) has announced the 2008 winners of the 55 scholarships it administers. The scholarships were open to all licensed radio amateurs who met the qualification and residence requirements of the various sponsors.
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  • 10/10/2008 | Pennsylvania Becomes 27th State with PRB-1 Law on Books

    On Wednesday, October 8, Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell (D) signed into law a bill that guarantees radio amateurs the right to erect antenna support structures up to 65 feet without the need for a Special Use Permit. The bill passed in the House
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  • The main presentation room at the 2008 ARRL/TAPR DCC provided ample seating and tables, as well as power supplies, for laptops. [Larry Wolfgang, WR1B, Photo]

    10/04/2008 | ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference: "Pretty Interesting!"

    Almost 150 aficionados of digital communications came to Chicago for the 27th annual ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC) the weekend of September 26-28. This conference is an international forum for radio amateurs to meet, publish their work
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  • 09/30/2008 | Canadian and American Hams Provide "Textbook Example" of Amateur Radio's EmComm Role

    On Sunday, September 27, the VoIP Hurricane Net formally activated at 5 PM EDT to provide surface reports as Hurricane Kyle affected portions of extreme Northeastern Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada. The activation was in coordination with WX4
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  • 09/11/2008 | ARRL, TAPR Prepare for Digital Communications Conference

    Aficionados of digital communications are gearing up for the 27th annual ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC) September 26-28 in Chicago, Illinois. The ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference is an international forum for radio amateurs t
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